Tech days are segments of time four times a week (generally) when you can come in and use the healing technologies described in the below slides. You can schedule your time on the on-line calendar here: The calendar will book in 15 minute segments but realize you may share the room with other people. Membership Plan: Once you learn how to use these devices (all very simple) you will come into the office and can stay as long as you like during the open hours. Most therapies take 20-30 minutes. In some cases, more than one therapy can be used at once to the tolerance of your body. Please start with one technology at a time so you know your body’s reaction to it.
Individual Session (not part of in person appointment) $40.00 Monthly Plan: Up to 4 sessions per month ($25 each) $100.00 Up to 8 sessions per month ($20 each) $160.00 OR have an Energy Party – book out a time for you and your friends exclusively- priced individually
First 10 people to sign up receive 30% discount for first 2 months.
Many of these technologies can also be used during your in-person appointment. In January I will implement a small charge for them (during your appointment time) as I will not be raising my rates. If you purchase a membership in addition to your in-person appointment, there will be no charge for using them during your session and they will not count toward your membership sessions.
The following are a list of healing modalities available for your use. For more information you may refer to the website listed beneath the modality. The descriptions provided are what the modality is known for. Red Light Therapy Improving mitochondria (energy powerhouse of your cells) and pain reduction
Vielight Vagus Higher vagal tone suggests a more active and responsive vagus nerve, which can lead to better regulation of heart rate, improved digestion, and enhanced emotional resilience
Align Mat This mat is currently on the massage table! Directly stimulates mitochondria (powerhouse of your cells), decreases inflammation, enhances cellular repair, promotes deep-restful sleep, accelerates healing, improves circulation, aids in muscle recovery, Calms the mind, supports detoxification, immune supportive